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Kelly Parks

Many, many royal families routinely had more incestuous relationships.


Foreman's character seemed to be used to frame and define the situation, fairly inadequately. Oddly that took the form of advocating for the position that they hadn't done anything wrong, so thus these characters aren't weird, but their situation is just an unfortunate one. But then that bizzarly strayed into arguing for society to allow anyone to be a couple, minus social judgements. As if interracial couples and incestuous couples can be thought of under the same umbrella of acceptance. Obviously they weren't implying they should be compared and neither am I. The scene was just so poorly conceived and ineffectually written. What they needed was a professional counsellor to help them together and or individually to come to terms with this uncomfortable reality. Not a main cast member to provide a short form speech on moral judgments. Seems like The Doctor's companions take it in turns to be the cold bastard for an episode. When it's not House the whole time. Some times it's Cameron, then it'll be Foreman's turn. This week we have Chase highlighted as the least compassionate, and Foreman takes issue with him. One might carry the impression going in, that this show is the 1st and 3rd of the 7 basic story types. 1. Overcoming the monster. 3. The quest. When in fact, this central character titled show is maybe not just a hero type saviour medical drama, with a detective edge as they battle diseases. When perhaps it's also number 6. 🙄