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Kelly Parks

Helly wants her outie to wake up and have time to realize her innie murdered her. Also if her outie had resigned then Helly the innie would be effectively dead because she'd never wake up again.

Kelly Parks

Awesome episode. Also Lost sucked. It was a con from the beginning. JJ admitted it in a talk he gave about writing. He called it the mystery box. Just keep throwing new mysteries at the audience that you never have any intention of resolving. Fucking con man.

Kevin Tipcorn

Sorry to be commenting 8 months into the past... But I only just got around to this show now. Re your commentary: Yes! I worry about the "Lost" thing with this show too. I hope the second season gives some answers to things. eg. Why is the tech all mish mash across 1970-2010? Why do the board communicate via intermediaries and intercoms? Why does the tech in the brain implant place seem more dated than the outside? I have theories, heavily influenced by other shows that did similar things pretty recently and paid it all off well, but if it turns out to be Lost again I'm going to be annoyed at myself for wasting time thinking them up.