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PS: you might wonder who the fuck is Kelly? LOL I meant Ashley



Here's the thing though. You're right that this is fantasy and as a 39 year old woman you understand that difference. What makes this problematic is the fact that this show is targeted to teenagers who are very susceptible and look at the way this is framed and think that this is what romance is suppose to look like. That it is okay to be groomed by your teacher as long as he or she tells you that they love you and that you are "mature for your age". It may be that you always were able to tell the difference and that you were never influenced by this but there are some teen girls out there who might not be able to do that and take this as face value. I dont mind toxic relationships in shows as long as they are portrayed as toxic and not as a positive example. But the writers treat this relationship as something to strive for, and anyone who ever voiced their opinion against it was portrayed as the villain. And they even made it worse by having Ezra know that she was under age. It wasn't even a misunderstanding where he fell in love with her without even knowing how old she was. No, he actively sought out an underage teenager, someone who was going to be his student (power dynamic), groomed her into falling for him in order to get information from her and slept with her, all under false pretenses. And the show expects me to ignore all that because "oh look, they look so cute together and they love each other so much." Sorry, but no. Also just because its a fantasy does not mean you can't be emotionally invested or affected or even influenced by it. Criminal Minds is a fantasy and I cry all the time because to me the emotions are real.


As parents Byron and Ella with their awful passive parenting who couldn't come together on anything made Aria the perfect victim for predator Ezra to swoop in and get a hold on a young Arias mind. This all boils down to terrible parents, look what they did to mikes head