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Caradoc Elmet

Each game has an associated playing card. The first game had the 3 of clubs. The number, in this case 3, relates to the difficulty of the game and is also the number of days added to your “visa” if you survive it. The visa is the number of days you can “have off” and not have to play a game. They won 3 days off. They can miss 3 games but, if they don’t register in a game on that 4th night… lasers from space!!! Really, you want to play as few games as possible and yet stay alive as long as possible, so playing and winning a game with a number 10 card might sound perfect but remember the number also relates to the difficulty: the higher the number, the more difficult it will be to survive. What would you do? Play one high risk game knowing you will have more time to tend the almost inevitable wounds and be at your relative best for the next extremely tough death match in 11 days’ time? Or would you rather play an easier game more often, knowing you had a slightly better chance of surviving, but were likely to be completely undone by any injury unable to heal in the 1, 2 or 3 days before you had to step back into the ring? My personal choice would be to curl up with several bottles of something very strong and hope I’m unconscious when I get taken out by… lasers from space!!!

Caradoc Elmet

I laughed so hard at your reaction at the end but only because I went through the same thing. I actually thought that Karube, who stood up with about 10 seconds to go and said, “I’m behind you,” would wait until the final second and then turn to look at Arisu (that’s your eponymous, “Alice”), stealing the wolf tag and betraying his friend. The twist would be that it took the computer a second to update, which meant that there was no officially designated wolf as the timer ran out and so, not knowing who was supposed to survive, the game system just released everyone. Then you’d have the drama of them surviving with everyone knowing that Karube tried to “kill” Arisu… and I’ve seen that kind of storyline many times before. I hadn’t seen the storyline where they kill everyone you care about, plus some cheap hussy (lol sorry for the term but it’s meant comically to suggest we don’t care even a tiny bit about her. I wouldn’t use the term if it was a real person instead of a character), in the 3rd episode! This is why 90% of what I watch these days is from a country without English as a first language. I’m too attuned to the formulae of English-speaking TV because of all the years I spent watching it. It’s incredibly rare for an English or American TV show to surprise me anymore, but I haven’t learnt all the formulae being used in Poland or Sweden, Japan or well, most other places in the world. I love to be surprised by television. Actually, similarly to what you were saying, I both loved and hated being surprised by this episode’s ending. Like the man said, hearts is the worst game. Loved your reaction!