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I always get a little emotional at the end of this episode. Kimble is one of my all time favourite characters from these US procedural cop shows. Iceman is always so stoic and his no nonsense, ethical certainty, is something I love about his character. Tim does a fantastic job at subtly playing that emotional turmoil that you rightly said Kimble knows he will have to live with. The non admissible ting. Obvs your right, it wouldn't fly and it's a TV show. Here, he does confesses twice. Once under duress, then again at the station. The hypothetical key would be hoping the first unlawful action doesn't get the whole case thrown out of court. That's what's great about shows like Law and Order where they have two sides of the criminal procedure. I've never really watched the US original version. But the UK version is pretty interesting depiction of both sides.