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David Murray

I will do a little apologetics on this one. He does mention that he collected the names by looking at who flew in or stayed in that area at that time. He also mentioned each ones career specialty. If you listen to that career list you can easily see what the plan was.

David Murray

Fyi I was joking about being able to deduce the plan. 😃 I think your comments on all the episodes are very smart. I love the conspiracy discussions and Clyde. Has a Holmes aesthetic about it

Em McG

I will comment about the episode and the tortoise... I think Holmes said he was very fond of conspiracy theorists and he was going to visit someone that he had met several times(?) I don't think he would eat that man's pet. He was concerned enough about his well-being to break in... I think he took the turtle to save it.

Em McG

oh and... the episode was not much about the red team's secret 🙂 it was all about Holmes getting punched in the gut. Also actually they're not allowed to say the secret because of the very nature of the secret... What they did establish though was that Sherlock was willing to walk a tightrope... uh, face a real killer with a gun and to just wing it... That is not sane. Was he so desperate to get on the good side of the captain? I think so.