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only saw the one and im pissed


Malu x

well.. this was pain and i think we're all guessing finale's not gonna be pain free either.. i'm just so glad i joined your journey not only the TVD one but this as well. simple facts like how objective you are and how biases or preferences don't cloud your judgement (episode pun totally intended), how quite literally all your opinions on things are so similar to how i see stuff. this whole journey was a big joy to sum it up. now, as a Klaroline fan i need to say that i totally agree with your opinion about them, and absolutely adoring that pair doesn't mean being delusional at all. cause we love facts here! the only difference is how we see Cami. so, here's the thing... i tried liking her character or the KlausxCami pair as much as i could. as someone who's a stickler for objectivity i put my Klaroline bias aside cause i was 100% sure they wouldn't bring Care in this show, so i tried to enjoy what we had, meaning Klamille. conclusion to my let's enjoy journey? - i absolutely couldn't. i remember the first thing i said when TO's first scene with them dropped, i was like, wow, blonde, name starts with CA (lol), telling Klaus off? who does that remind you of? maybe someone he very recently liked? i just couldn't see her as more than just a copy paste of a character Plec couldn't bring together with Klaus. it doesn't help either that almost everything she said to Klaus that was "iconic" was said by Caroline in a previous show... i was, might i say, annoyed? all i could think about everytime she "showed Klaus" was, didn't Caroline say the same thing? didn't Caroline do that with him?.. i feel like i would love a certain love story with Klaus and a new love if Cami had some originality as a character and not just a we didn't make Klaroline happen so let's make a character as majorly Caroline as we can. personality, actions, Klaus... the only thing that differed between the two pairs was probably the scenes time brought to the table. people also say Cami and Klaus loved each other but her not being able to live as a vampire and even mentioning she'd rather die than live as a vampire (she could've lived it if it meant being with the person you love, even Elena could do that before the cure and we know her and her humanity was a story of its own) so yeah that love was also very debatable. so, fewer scenes than Klamille aside, i probably enjoyed Klaroline because of their chemistry and major similarity that their personalities had. you know the term "power couple"? that similarity would totally make that happen. plus the fact that Caroline very annoyingly was never anybody's first choice but Klaus always put her first kinda helped. that's all i can think of as of right now, i haven't thought about these pairs ina very long time. but all of these aside, everyone has their preferences so, i respect all of them. people love what they love at the end of the day, so i just wanted to let you know my opinion. hopefully you have time to read this. thank you for posting this reaction. let's enjoy the finale!!


For me, I'll always ship Klaroline. They're my favourite TVDU ship, and that'll never change. However, I do get what you're saying. We didn't get enough of them. I always see people fighting over who changed Klaus and all that, but I've NEVER thought it was as simple as it being one person. In my opinion, Caroline made him see light and goodness again and kinda made him want to be good again because he did like her and wanted her to see him in a different light. Cami made him realise he COULD do better and that there was actually still good in him. Hayley pushed him and made him actually fight to be better. And Hope is the one who gave him a reason to actually fight to be better and want it and is just everything. And of course, Elijah never giving up on him and always fighting to redeem him, and Rebekah loving him through everything. The truth is, so many people fight over Klaroline/Klamille but the truth is, Caroline and Cami would get along so well and Klaus would be terrified because they would get together and just see right through all his bullshit and it'd be great. Klaroline will always be it for me, but I will admit that he definitely loved Cami more than Caroline. However, I think that if we'd gotten more of Klaroline, that would be different. I've just always preferred their dynamic and their chemistry. And I would've LOVED to have seen them actually get together and all that, but then there's this part of me that loves that tragic story of two people who have always had feelings for each other, but it was just never the right time. There's something so beautiful and heartbreaking about it and as much as it hurts, I do love it. I have a few ships like that, it's always heartbreaking, but in a good way. (No matter how much it pisses me off...) As for Caroline's line about how she was just a kid back then and all that, I always took it more to mean "That was back then, when I was a kid and you were a different person." Than "Oh, I was a stupid kid who didn't know what I was talking about." Back then, she didn't know who Klaus would become, she didn't know they'd end up caring for each other, she didn't know he'd end up with a daughter who he cared about more than anything. She didn't know that one day, he would come to her and ask her to do exactly what she and her friends were planning to do to him. I think it was more a comment of "I didn't know we'd end up here." kind of thing. And also, just her not wanting to do it. She didn't want to drop him in the ocean now, or for him to kill himself. She was still holding out hope that there was another way that wouldn't end with him out of her life, and out of Hope's life. So yeah, it was a good plan back then, you're right, and it was necessary back then because Klaus was tormenting everyone. But at this point in time, everything is different and Caroline knows that. And the skirt and Patriarchy thing. Skirt lengths are always to do with the Patriarchy. It's all about how short skirts are inappropriate and will distract the boys and then there's the whole thing about "looking like a slut" or "asking for it" and all that bullshit. Yeah, it doesn't matter right now. It was NOT a big part of the episode or the video, I'm just rambling. Haha Stefan's Diary being on display... Yeah, that's very intrusive. So I choose to believe that he had two Diaries. One being for his deepest thoughts and feelings, and then one to just write about the day and what happened. Maybe just to rant about Klaus and Elijah, and a little about Damon too of course... (Who am I kidding, he totally had an entire diary just to rant about Damon...) Haha (Just cuz the idea of Caroline being willing to put her dead husband's diary on display is really weird...) I totally agree about the Klaus/Hope/Elijah thing too. Like, I really wish we could get more of Klaus and Hope just spending time together and bonding and being father and daughter without there being torture or murder or death involved. It really upsets me that we didn't get more of them. But I absolutely love the scenes between Hope and Elijah this episode. I do think it was very important, because Hope meant EVERYTHING to Elijah from the second he learned of her existence and yet we very rarely actually get scenes between them, then they go and mess up their relationship by having Hayley's death be a little bit their faults. (I will never TRULY blame either of them, Hope didn't mean for her to get kidnapped, and she actually made a really good cloaking spell and she would've been safe if not for Roman getting in Hope's head. And Elijah didn't remember Hayley, he just saw her as someone who he met in a bar and then suddenly she's in this house and all that.) I mean, I'm almost 100% sure that the reason Hope was so hard on Elijah was actually because of how much she blames herself for what happened. Like, yes, part of her really did blame him and all that. But I think a big part of her forced herself to just put all the blame on him because the alternative was putting all the blame on herself and that wasn't working out too well... (I just blame Greta... And Julie Plec... She deserves all the blame tbh...)