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I know you wouldn’t like parts of this episode, though I don’t blame the characters. This one is on the writers, they thought this would be funny, it wasn’t then and it DEFINITELY did not age well 😕


I liked most of this episode. Some 'other parts', I think it's inclusion in general was interesting; as a form of a discussion. But the placement was perhaps unnecessary and didn't serve the story to any meaningful degree. Other than the idea of both modern and old elements Japanese culture. As limp as a soggy piece of lettuce, that hypothetical argument is frankly. Some balance was offered up by Sweets on occasion during the discussion part, but not always. Now see, curiosity is one thing and their discussion is another. I'm fine with that element. The episode could definitely have been more respectful of the topic at times. I do feel that it does serve the idea that often people clumsily don't know what and what not to say. As 95% of it didn't seem to be coming from any negative place, I tolerate it but didn't care for it myself either. The line crossed for me, was absolutely the absurd borderline assault committed by Angela's character. I say that only because of that ulterior motive behind that unsolicited hug. Again this is another example of that highly deplorable double standard that culture offers up to us. The same scene reversed, would have never made it to screen during that decade or indeed this; if a man had pressed himself up against a women to elicit some form of sexual arousal as a way of defining their gender. On this occasion the writers didn't do Angela's character any further service. Considering some her previous questionable choices as well.