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Em McG

oh nice... I'd like to comment before I go to the next episode... In the end there I think Holmes knows that Joan is lying... because he could tell prior to this and also he knows his father very well and probably wouldn't extend... So Joan knows she's lying and maybe she's not sure Sherlock would know that she's lying but she also made "some sort" of decision, she is extending her stay, she can shrug off the lie later as being necessary. I think her first idea is to make sure he's okay. I think in the writing it wouldn't be just one thing one reason, it would be 3 to 5 reasons. Regardless it will be resolved but it's great at this time it's still up in the air how it will turn out. Also Moriarty expects Moran would be caught... and.. if that's true would Moran still be in on it? Mmm maybe not. Great show! And that name drop! Whoa...

Stephen Delveau

Sherlock doesn’t have his own money he doesn’t get paid for his work with the police and his father pays for the brownstone