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Eric Pfeiffer

So in the second episode, Hood sexually assaulted his ex, got someone else to do his paperwork, crashed a wake, almost got murdered, banged an Amish girl, raided a rave, killed some drug dealers, and spent some quality time with the girl he believes is his daughter. Did I miss anything? Even my most exciting day seems pretty tame by comparison.


Love how much you love this show! It's not for everyone, with it's over-the-top "pulpy" sort of style, but definitely one of my favorites. So much fun! And yeah, there's some bits after the credits every now and then. Usually not very long or important, but there's a couple big ones. I.e. if you go back and see this episode 2 has a bit more of what happened to the guy the dog was sent after. Edit: BTW There is supposed to be more subtitles for the Amish when they speak dutch. When I watch on HBO Max (in Norway) they are hard-coded in, like for the scene with Kai and his father in the first episode. But there's also overlay ones that just say "(speaking in Pennsylvanian dutch"), so seems like somebody messed up and forgot to include them in all versions. Might be an issue in later episodes, but I think most scenes can be understood contextually or they repeat important bits in the English dialogue.