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So .... my wifi has been crappy all day and its been hard to watch stuff. I'm going to be watching all the things this weekend. Cross fingers that my wifi gets its shit together.Sorry that things have been so crazy this week ):


BJ Stephens

Yeah, you know technology is supposed to make everything easier for us....but sometimes, I wonder if it didn't get the memo. Sorry you gotta put up with that, hope it gets better for you soon.

John Walker Is That Dude

Here’s the letter Klaus wrote to Hayley https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?story_fbid=pfbid0ZyUR15YVENmK2CYjkzD2TgoocfL2Vj7p9uDKVwHEzsgow3Uf6bot8mAG8gTpV8MVl&id=204718530103744