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Kelly Parks

Kim is right. The drug dealer who was "light" is Crazy 8, the guy who ends up in Jesse's basement while Walter decides what to do with him. Eventually killing him, making him Walter's second murder.

Kelly Parks

He didn't have the nickname "Crazy 8" yet. That comes later.

Kelly Parks

"We'll have to Karloff this thing," -- As in Boris Karloff, the actor who played Frankenstein in the 1940's.

Kelly Parks

Nacho (Ignacio) *is* mentioned in Breaking Bad. When Walt and Jesse kidnap Jimmy/Saul and pull the hood off him in front of an open grave, Saul says, "It wasn't me, it was Ignacio!"

Kelly Parks

Lydia oh Lydia oh have you met Lydia....

Kelly Parks

'sall good, man.