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christian chirico

This one to me always felt like the definitive version of the '' Walter is tripping hard'' episode that the show had tried to do in previous seasons but never quiet managed to get it 100% right, i don't know if someone already mentioned it to or if you had noticed by yourself but this episode 9 is the last of the cycle of ''trippy/out of place'' episodes that each season of fringe has, usually it's episode 19 but since this season is shorter they switched to episode 9, it started in season 1 with ''The Road not Taken'' where Olivia first experiences crossing over to the other side and we get that blue tinted alternate universe, it's best known for being the episode where Harris dies (finally), then in season 2 it was ''Brown Betty'' named after another one of Walter's home made drugs in which Peter has just run away after finding out about his kidnapping and Olivia is out looking for him so Walter has to look after Ella and he starts tripping while telling her a story/musical, followed by the episode of season 3 ''LSD'' where they go inside Olivia's mind to save her after Bell's took over her body and half of it is animated, in season 4 it's ''Letter of Transit'' the episode where we get the flash forward where we see Etta and the world dominated by the observers for the first time and finallly this episode. The way they showed Walter's struggle in becoming the Walter that was and him fighting till the end but with no avail because, just like Carla said, ''you've been him longer than you've been you'', i love that they sort of used Nina as the good fairy and Carla as the bad one egging him on, all of it was incredibly done and that last scene was a masterpiece imo, John Noble just knocked it out of the park as usual. I also wanted to highlitght the performance of the actress for Carla that is only in a couple of episodes in the show but really makes and impression, that scene with Walter where she quotes Oppenheimer remains one of my favourite in tv history and her performance is one of the reasons for sure. All of the scenes Peter and Olivia were great, i really feel like ther journey in this season while extremely painful was very well written and acted by both of them and i'm glad we got those couple of scenes of them in the field just being the badass couple they are. Can't wait for next week, one of the best episodes of the whole show (imo) is coming up and also the start of the final arc of episodes of the show, things are about to get even crazier.


Gotta love the very 'MP flying circus' esque sequence that leads Walter to the password.