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A few things!

This was an amazing episode and I loved the whole vibe. Joseph did a wonderful job directing this. Also, even though I was mad at Elijah, part me just wants him to stay in France, it was such a nice change to see him enjoying his life. I understand that he doesn't remember or care for his family but at the same time he knows who Hope is since he researched her and he knows that she means a lot to him and learning that she's in danger and acting like he could care less made me really annoyed. Idk if he'd be of any actual help though, wouldn't he just make things worse by being around Klaus and Hope? I guess Klaus also needed to have his brother by his sad and I did find it interesting that even though he was somewhat aggressive about it he wasn't THAT forceful. Like he could have done a lot more to take him by force but he was still attempting to give him a choice.




hii I was wondering if there’s a new episode of pretty little liars? :)