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Yeah, I really like the way they went about incorporating Melissa's pregnancy into the show. Usually shows will either make the character pregnant or do the whole hiding it with objects and have them constantly sitting. Which, I know they did with this for a little while, but there's something refreshing about this way of incorporating it. I really like that they didn't just make Amy pregnant. It often feels kinda off when they make a character pregnant just because the actor got pregnant. I think it's because a lot of the time it doesn't feel right with the character and where they're at in the story. (Like, part of me is always happy just because I'm happy for the actor, but part of me also often feels a little weird about it just because of the character... Not always! Sometimes it works really well, and it comes at the perfect time for a character! But there are times when it just doesn't, and this would've been one of them.)