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Kelly Parks

The old guy looking for the blue pills is wonderful actor Peter Graves, who starred in the original 1960's TV series Mission: Impossible, that lead to all the Tom Cruise movies.

Kelly Parks

I try not to kink shame. Really. But the two that just seem silly to me are domination/submissive and feet. Especially feet. How anyone can get a boner over a foot is an absolute mystery to me.


Interesting point to make (in the moment) about if House hypothetically should have disclosed Ramona's medical history to her 'husband' to avoid prolonging the misunderstanding between the two of them. (Obvs more so to prolong the comic relief.) Although it's totally like House to disregard certain codes of ethics and practices to make his life easier or to get the answer of this weeks puzzle he's solving. Good job he didn't, as this week he was actually trying to avoid giving Cuddy reasons to fire him. 🤣