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🤣 As soon as Angela was profiling instead of Sweets, I knew what you were going to say. It's just one of those unnecessary character expansion things isn't it. Nothing wrong with unearthing skills we don't know they had. But probably better that they show an interest in learning something new, rather than crowbaring it onto the page. They could then clumsily employ it in a practical way after only having a rudimentary understanding. But in this case. Nah, not when you have a psychologist with the FBI. Something which seems to be have been replaced with intuition and unsubstantiated opinion. But I would also say that perhaps it isn't particularly accurate to frame Angela as someone whom can do anything. Although I understand the basis of such a reactionary statement, given what they do with her character at times. But I also guess the implication is more gest than ernest. They have done a pretty awful job at stretching her skill set and contribution to the team. And or deciding if was needed in the first place and how to utilise it effectively. I'd also be cautious of writing anything from a single perspective in regards to characters. Regardless of the decade that it comes from. Even if it was written today. I personally wouldn't want anything that didn't reflect a collective societies outlooks. Regardless of my own person opinion. Minus anything hateful or misinformative that just wasn't conducive or reflective of the story and or characters that is being depicted. Neither of us appear to think that's want this episode does in anyway. Nor probably do we think that it's textbook A+ writing in every regard. I perhaps think some of the character clumsiness is reflective and useful in the form of the representation of people. Some modern writings that I've seen. Seem to be so at odds with what not to say. Or perhaps more indicative, what they 'must say', in fear of inciting the mob. That they then fail to write anything of any substantial value. Particularly when measured by the yardstick of, do these people collectively represent the wider society in which I live. Or are they only representative of a single way of thinking. The commentators of the future will likely have plenty of disparaging things to say about the creators of today. I have zero doubt that trend will change in the slightest.