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Hayley Marshall, the girl who lived


Jesus Alejo

It is interesting from what I've seen from your reactions to the show how you seem to condemn or dislike some characters, like Hayley, for reasons, valid reasons, but a lot of the time you gloss over or laugh up the actions of characters, like Klaus, who are objectively much worse, even on those specific things that you criticize... Hayley definitely has some entitlement and it can get annoying; but Klaus' is faaaar worse and far more prominent and yet you don't roll your eyes or get upset in the same way, even tho is those scene you actively and intellectually know and say that Klaus is wrong or an ass, even know you voice that Klaus has many shortcomings as a character, his actions are not measured in the same way that other characters do, like Hayley or Cami back when, etc. I find it interesting to hear your take and opinion on this... Because there is one thing that I've seen a lot, specially when it comes to TO and TVD and it's the false equivalence that some viewers seem to have towards each character's actions... For example, I've seen you many times pretty much say that other characters like Elijah or Hayley or Caroline in TVD, should not or can not or you find annoying that they criticize Klaus' actions and behavior... Because you say that all of them have done bad things, their hands are dirty too; which is true, they are not innocent, but that doesn't equate them to someone like Klaus, or Kol, or the things that Elena has done to what Damon has done, or the things Tyler has done compared to what Stefan has done... I've never understood that argument, or like I said, false equivalence... Yes, if Hayley were to walk up to a random person on the street and criticize the morality of their behavior it would be self righteous of her to do so, because she has done worse... But Hayley criticizing Klaus' behavior isn't, she isn't as bad as him, she doesn't have the same disregard for the lives of others, she doesn't have the body count or the same reasoning for hurting people, which is the case of someone like Klaus or Kol, they just cause pain because they can and they enjoy (a lot of the time)... I mean, neither Elijah's or Rebekah's hands are clean, they are not "good people" or innocent by any means; but to say that they don't have ground to stand on when criticizing Klaus' behavior, to me it comes down to a false equivalence... Elijah absolutely have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing some of Klaus past behavior; because, like you've said a few times, at the very least Elijah has some semblance of morals or rules or lines that he tries not to cross... So I would love to get your take on that idea, the idea of what I believe to be false equivalences, Caroline has done bad things, doesn't mean that she is as bad as Damon and therefor doesn't have "the right" or grounds to call him out on his behavior; Hayley has done plenty of bad things, but that doesn't mean that she can't call out Kol for being a psycho or that she is "just as bad as him" and therefor every time other characters criticize the actions of objectively and factually "worse" characters, the simplistic argument of "You are not innocent, so you can't say anything" just doesn't work... In this show there are almost no characters with clean hands, that doesn't mean that some characters aren't measurably better than others and have legs to stand on when it comes to opposing the actions of others.