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Kelly Parks

Great show. Fantastic characters.


Such an amazing season! I'm glad you decided to do sponsored shows so we can share great shows with you that you otherwise wouldnt do! Just to confirm, we are definitely getting a 2nd season, they confirmed it on the same day as the last episode aired, its just gonna take some time ( since first season took 6 years to make- hopefully 2nd will be done much faster 🙏 ). Another side note is that the show just won emmy for best animated series in front of rick and morty, simpsons and so on, great accomplishment. About the episode 9: Whole final segment of the dinner table was just awesome! Sad about Silco dying but it was a good death for him, and a final moment for Jinx in her complete transformation from Powder to now Jinx. The Cliffhanger was definitely a bit tilting, but it was a good one, especially with custom made song just for this show performed by Sting! About the series: Since this is based on League of Legends lore ( this is just 1% of the runterra world ) , us League players expected a fan service show but nothing special, and we were all surprised when the show was actually insanely good! Next season we will probably see more of Noxus ( where Mel is from ) and hopefully some other regions - i know you arent familiar with the world so i wont go into too much detail although i do recommend that you should watch league of legends cinematics and learn about the world since its great :D - there is a song from 2014 with a cinematic called get jinxed, which was actually in the show when Jinx was playing music loudly while silco was yelling at her ( there is so many more easter eggs that is in the show for league players , but they made a good decision where even someone not informed can watch the full show and understanding everything ) About the season: Loved it, from start to finish, even though we league players know some of the characters already and are watching their origin stories, i'd say its even better if u are in the know, especially on the rewatch, as you catch so many little things that make so much more sense. I am not very good with words but just an amazing season all over, from character development to cinematography, and even though its animated i wouldnt even consider it an anime, and im pretty sure people dont, because everything about it is made out like a regular tv show. But the best part about it for me is how there is no clearcut right and wrong with each character, everyone is complex and is right in one way or another , and everyone has their own conflicts and moral dillemas. One of the underrated stories is Mel's- where everyone thought she was bad all season while in the end she was the one pushing for peace multiple times. Overall, love the show and hopefully you'll react to season 2 when it comes out. Glad you had fun 🤗