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sorry but Angela is kind of awful. i really dont like how she constantly undermines hodgins and acts as if his knowledge and interests are weird. so what if he gets excited about bugs? also, i get this whole non monogamy vibe that she has but if you are entering a monogamous relationship dont start acting as though you can just kiss whoever you want and the other person has to be ok with it just because youre soooo free thinking and open minded. And then she has the nerve ... the NERVE to tell hodgins that he doesnt trust her? and then... and THEN ... hodgins points out shes the one walking away and she tells him hes not stopping her? EXCUSE ME? what exactly do you want him to do? She acts so high and mighty all the time and it gets on my nerves. What do you guys think of Angela Montenegro?


Eric Pfeiffer

Angela is so open minded that her brain fell out. I get why Jack-or any straight male-would find her attractive. She's beautiful and seems like fun. Until you get to know her . She's a borderline narcissist. Yes, she's capable of empathy but only until it conflicts with her personal dogma. She demands that everyone accept her for who she is but won't hesitate to tell you what you should be doing. One minute she's a caring and compassionate artist and the next minute one of the most condescending and judgmental characters on the show. It's all no doubt the fault of the writers, who seem more concerned with setting up either jokes or melodrama than keeping continuity or consistency in their characters. These are the same people who are still trying to sell us on the idea that a guy who ritualistically murdered someone is really just a mischievous scamp, because he is our main protagonist's father. So while I do hate what Angela is right now I can't get too worked up about it because they could turn around and wash it all away in a couple of episodes.

John Walker Is That Dude

If Brennan was a Jedi she might go down as the best ever the whole develop no attachment is easy for her.