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4.1 - The Yanks in the U.K.: Parts 1



I share some of your sentiments on this one. Probably one of the weakest of the whole show for me personally. It's playful enough that it's in keeping with the tone of the show and does poke fun both ways. But beyond this specific example, we see this at lot in American television, doing a 'British' themed episode. Like that actually means anything really. Britian is the union of three countries and nothing in this properly reflects anything that's under that very broad blanket banner. It's a bit like I watched Downton Abbey and so I've got a good impression of Britian. The accents are pretty spot on, for the characters that they are playing. Variations of RP. But is only the reflection of a very very small percentage of England. And as I type my county name, my own phone is triggering me by giving me only the option to use The Union Flag... oh there it is again, more appropriately this time 🇬🇧 🤣 This whole Angela, Hodgins, Grayson story doesn't bother me as much honestly. It's just dumb and nobody comes out looking good here. Sweets comes off as an immature boy when Grayson is first introduced. An unfair cap he so wants to shake off. Not helping dude. Cam comes off as creepy. Season 4 is, on the whole, SO much better than this facile false start compared to the Season 3 finale.


Everyone keeps bringing up that the team tries to get a lesser sentence for their friends, but you guys have to realize that it’s a TV show AND our judicial system is broken in general. Sorry, but if someone can TRY to get things reduced, then that’s going to happen. It’s up to the people to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their sentence (usually higher) is the correct one and if the court and the ppl agree with the defense (that there is any kind of doubt) then they’re also choosing the lesser sentence too. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks is correct. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As for this episode, for the most part, it’s very meh but the ending, it made me excited for the next episode. AND I absolutely hate the Angela/Hodgins storyline this season.