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also I know I'm supposed to feel sympathy for Max but I just don't.



I'd say it's perhaps a shame that you have not had a friend like Angela. But I haven't either. That irrelevant notion aside. One might frame this as an empty gesture in the scale of the situation. I posture that it's in keeping with her character. So removing her from the episode was an option. Having her absent would have been strange when her best friend's father's life is in the balance. Having her there but mute on the subject. With a mostly male cast, silencing the only woman who is mostly likely to depose the situation as wrong; is somewhat problematic. It's also in contrary to the balance required for the story. Otherwise we have a unified group of friends and colleagues all working towards the goal of sending Max to his death, because it's their job. What makes the situation interesting is that Bones doesn't care if she does testify. At least externally. She might have felt differently if Max had been given the lethal injection for the criminal act of defending his family and warning off others. A force that was backed up by the power and influence of the Federal government. Opinions aside on the morality of his actions. This is not the tactic they were deploying to have him avoid legal justice. Reasonable doubt was. Yes Angela's position was subjectively irrelevant to the likely outcome of the case. Doesn't mean it's hollow from her own perspective. Standing up for what one believes as right isn't always a hollow gesture. We have these self imposed principles, even when they contradict laws, customs, societal norms of the time. A conscientious objector's actions might be impotent as one lone voice amongst many. And their actions are practically irrelevant. Doesn't mean they don't have the right to stand up for what they believe. Desmond Doss taught me this. Just line in this episode is some serious foreshadowing.... 🤫


we all need a friend like angela, this is facts