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The thing with Garcia's clothes, I think was more a mess up on the writers part. I feel like they didn't really consider the fact that people were literally dying. Though I do get what they were going for with her changing and then getting things done easier. Being comfortable in what you're wearing does affect your work imo. If I'm not comfortable in whatever clothes I have on, I really struggle to get things done. I know for me a lot of that has to do with being Autistic, but I also know that it can be the case for a lot of people. I love how Hotch was with Garcia this episode too. He was a bit hesitant when she first suggested her taking over JJ's job, for good reason, but he agreed to give her a go at it on a trial basis. He was patient with her as he knew she was juggling two jobs, but he also did give her the hard truth when needed because the truth is people were dying and they needed her. But he was very understanding of what she was trying to do, and never once put her down or criticised her work. He knew she was doing her best, and he respected that. As for her Resume being printed on pink stationery, it was said in the past that she was hired after getting caught hacking into the FBI Database. So I'm gonna assume that when she gave her resume to him she pretty much already had the job and it was just a courtesy. But yeah, you're right that it wouldn't happen irl... Haha I love Reid just outright saying he isn't an Alpha Male. He's not wrong. But also, the way when talking to the wife about their history and habits and all that the way he bluntly just said "No your sexual habits." I just love the fact that he CAN say that so confidently now. I mean, just in S4 he was stammering over talking about sexual acts during a case and now he's just able to outright say it like that. His development is amazing to me. Haha "Because you can't use your penis anymore." As a woman that just made me laugh so much for some reason. Like, I know that must be horrible, but that killed me! Haha