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1.3- ECHOES 



Also, I think one of the things that makes Kate so likable when she easily could've been super annoying is the mistakes she makes. She's very clearly a very skilled fighter. She's been getting lessons since she was a kid, she's been training all her life. But she's never actually been in proper fights until now. She's never been in a situation like this until now. So she screws up, she's not perfect. They're understandable mistakes too. Not stupid ones really. Like when she ruined Clint's plan when she tried to save him thinking he was in danger. She had good reason to worry, he'd been kidnapped and she didn't know it was on purpose. So she went to try helping and it wasn't the right way to do it. I just like that. Plus the dynamic between them is just amazing. <333

Suzanne Hunt

I really love Hawkeye! My best friend and I had a marathon of this 6 hour series last New Year's Eve! It was a great way to cap off the year! The trick arrows made the car chase scene really action packed! This show is also is a very heartwarming story which was evident in the scene when Kate translates for Nate to Clint! Great reactions Kim and Eliza!