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So glad Amy won and showed them that she's more than an extension of each of them. Episodes where Holt gets just as immature as Jake are some of my favourites. It's one oft he reasons the Heist episodes are so great, because everyone gets so into it and they all act insane. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a surprise that it was Amy either tbh... Like you, I figured it out quite quickly. I basically knew since they first excluded her that she was gonna do it herself and end up beating them both. But I also figured that Jake would win the first one and that Holt would win the second one.


I think that's the case with a lot of the Halloween episodes. It's rarely a surprise who wins, it's more a question of HOW they win that makes it fun. I think the winners for the first 3 were very obvious, at the very least


Yeah, the first 3 felt obvious. But Idk, the others I didn't guess as easily.