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Can we have more brotherly episodes please?


Connie Kay

Yes for 3 months Damon didn’t notice Stefan was missing. He was messaging him but assuming Stefan wasn’t answering him intentionally. One time Damon was get tortured for 5 years and Stefan didn’t notice. Damon even said the first year he thought Stefan would rescue him so it goes both ways.

Connie Kay

…but yes I did enjoy the bonding scene. I never really thought it in character that Stefan would have wanted Damon to take the Mark though….that always seemed weird to me.


Alright, but heres the thing. There is absolutely no reason for Damon to assume that. They were not on bad terms anymore. And the last time he spoke to Stefan he was taking Silas to the Quarry so the fact that he vanished should have risen some red flags. But he wanted to assume that because he was happy with Elena. When Damon went missing he and Stefan were not on good terms, and they had not spoken in years so there was no way for Stefan to even know that Damon was missing because they were not talking then. It's a completely different situation.