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Another great episode! I love this season



John Walker Is That Dude

U have to remember when it comes to Kol after they ran a thousand years ago Kol spent a lot of his time with witches so he knows a lot of spells. Freya was under Dahlia’s sleep curse where they are sleep for 99 years and alive for 1 year up until that Christmas party at the Mikaelsons in the 1910’s Freya spent her life with dahlia learning the spells she taught her. Freya now has Esther spell book from over a thousand years ago. The spell Kol taught her wasn’t just a locator spell that acts like a gps I doubt that witches had spells like that. I’m sure Kol used that spell he learned from witches he had do that spell on his enemies in the past.

John Walker Is That Dude

Those witches Hayley killed were all for sacrificing Hope a trybrid therefore making them stronger before they only had witch blood with the ancestors they could now add the strength of a wolf and a vampire. When Klaus arrived at the church to get Hayley he killed witches who were guarding the church outside and inside. Also Monique told Genevieve the ancestors want her to die to complete the Harvest in-front of the coven she told them all her plans the ancestors made sure the coven know that Hope needs to die for them to be even stronger. Like the plan to bring Klaus back to town to take out Marcel the coven all knew the plan so if Marcel killed them he would be justified in his view cuz they all knew. Klaus kept Hayley at bay when they went to see the witches it wasn’t until Klaus stopped holding her back if Hayley wasn’t there he would have killed them. If they would have found the stake for Klaus those witches would be alive cuz he would have made them do his bidding. So would Hayley have attacked them my answer is no cuz like Klaus said during season 2 episode 1 that for 6 months they did nothing Hayley wasn’t attacking them so if Klaus didn’t take her she wouldn’t have attacked them cuz unlike Klaus she can’t go up against a coven of witches and live cuz she’s not an original.