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You didn't even wait 5 seconds for this kid to explain to Hannah that he seen everything that went down with her mother and she's innocent before you call him a piece of shit. What happened to you in life that you are like you are


You are so wrong again, it was Paige's obligation to tell the award-winning coach about Emily's injury because that's one of the first things that he was going to ask her is about her health and if she was ever injured and Paige knows this. It seems you don't live in the real world

Alex Gonzalez

Also I agree the whole Ezra and Aria relationship is garbage

Suzanne Hunt

I hate Ezra, but what Maggie did to him was plain wrong! Letting him think Malcom was his son and letting Ezra fall in love with him! Not to mention living in a townhouse for years provided by Ezra's mother! The writers wanted to erase the fact that Ezra has a kid so Aria and he can get back together! It is horrible how the show romanticized a predatory relationship!