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Caradoc Elmet

Are you opening every episode with a song now? I like the summer version of you. It’s good to see you so obviously happy. That’s all I mean. It makes me feel happy for you 😊 Long may it last.


Something rather trivial just occurred to me on rewatch of this episode, that I don't think had before. Although the details are sketchy of what and when things happened, there might be a logical explanation and this is not a film set dressing error. As Peter is taking the sheets off things in Walters old home. A place he's assumedly not lived in for a long while. If he did go to Saint Claires at the same time in this timeline and for the same length of time. Plus we are to also understand that he's been living in the lab since Olivia had him discharged. Is that a flat screen tv that Peter took a sheet off. Would they have had one last time the house was being lived in. Maybe they rented out the home furnished. Stupid, but I love these over looked details sometimes.