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1.1 UNO 


Kelly Parks

He becomes a corrupt lawyer. But how did he get that way?

Kelly Parks

Remember what Saul said to Walt when they shared that room in the "disapperer's" basement? "Best case scenario, a month from now I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha, Nebraska."

Kelly Parks

"You look like a murderer!" I know his pain. I get that a lot too.

Kelly Parks

He says it in Breaking Bad. His real name is James McGill. Saul Goodman is his business name. Because it'S ALL GOOD, MAN.

Kelly Parks

Jimmy (you're gonna have to get used to calling him Jimmy for now) makes lots of movie references. Like the line he delivered as he entered the conference room, which is from the awesome 1976 movie "Network". https://youtu.be/35DSdw7dHjs?t=99

Kelly Parks

Yes. Chuck believes he's allergic to electricity. That's why you have to leave your cell outside (in the mailbox) and that's why the house has no electric power. Not because they can't afford it but because Chuck deliberately had it turned off.

Kelly Parks

Ha! The look on your face! Mijo = Tuco!

Kelly Parks

Yes, Chuck (aka Charles McGill of the prestigious Albuquerque law firm Hamlin, Hamlin, McGill) is Jimmy's older brother.

Kelly Parks

Ah, you're a Michael Mando fan. Interesting....