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3.9 - SAVIOR 



I loved this episode! Cami… I loved how they did that the shock value was incredible.

John Walker Is That Dude

To answer question Hayley will express what the Mikaelsons mean to her I won’t tell u when but it’s stated.

John Walker Is That Dude

I’m a Klayley shipper but one of the things I like about cami relationship is that unlike Caroline Cami isn’t this forever frozen 16yr old immature high schooler. I never understood why Julie/writers and fans liked mid-20 Klaus and 16yr old Caroline was amazing I don’t care he met her as a vampire she is a child. The same can be said about Elena, Stefan and Damon triangle again to 20 something year olds and a teenager. Than u have Rebekah aka the female woody Allen age what age did she find Marcel attractive even though Rebekah was turned at a teen and Marcel was between 19-21 when he was turned so technically he is older in human years than Rebekah it’s still weird. I get people love Klaus and Caroline I have to believe they accept it cuz she is forever stuck in teenage body. Those Fans didn’t like Klaus and Hayley even thought it was age appropriate cuz she was 19-20 when we met her.

John Walker Is That Dude

I always saw Elijah as being worse than Klaus heck I saw everybody worse than Klaus cuz unlike him he doesn’t hide who he is he straight up tells u. Whenever Elijah or Rebekah talked about how bad Klaus while also trying to paint themselves in a good light I always said LIES. In season 1 when Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah were trapped and Elijah was defending Rebekah Klaus told Elijah “ur every bit the abomination I am OR WORSE” fans especially Elijah fans were like LIES me and a very few were like FACTS. I was always like what are u trying to hide or prove with ur suits in 100 degree heat, freezing temperatures or rain. Elijah chills and fights in a suit where do they do that at from the moment we first saw Elijah I always thought something ain’t right about him acting like he was from a rich family dude ur mother made ur clothes u lived in a hovel with five other kids

Joseph LeRoy

I feel like Elijah has gotten worse since his mother flew open the red door. The thing about the self-fulfilling prophecy is if you know about it how can you let yourself just sit still when all of your enemies are trying to hurt and kill you but doing something about it ends up having the same effect. It's like in your head even though things are coming true you have to still try and survive. You lose no matter what lol.