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Ella, you're lucky you're pretty



Eric Pfeiffer

Honestly, the whole " I don't know if I wanna be God" thing feels like "we have a whole season to fill" thing. If Lucifer ascends, it's kind of "show over". I can't believe Negasonic Teenage Warhead is trying to manipulate Dan. Colossus is gonna be so disappointed.

D Boss

Buckets of baggage indeed! You really have a thing for what you perceive as bad dialogue, don't you! I think you are being silly - not only did the nurse conversation need to occur, because the new girl isn't aware of everything, but as you noted in your diatribe at the beginning - it would take more time to draw out the info in conversation. And it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per minute of screen time to shoot - plus you are limited to a certain length of show by various powers you cannot control if you are the show runner.... I have seen directors, and suits literally tear dozens of pages out of a working script on set because it would have taken too long to shoot, or was extraneous or whatever reason.... The compromises needed to get a show started, executed and edited etc, are so numerous it is amazing any get made at all! Chill out.... And yes, there is a reason no Angel has brought Dan up to earth - it has a consequence as you surmised.... And remember God's last words to the boys? He said to their query about who will be the successor "You'll figure it out". Lucifer and Amenadiel are working on "figuring it out" - so just enjoy their journey.... Of note, Lucifer ended up really being a good impetus or even therapist to both Ella and Carol - even if in kind of a blundering way..... And yes Chloe is getting power drunk with the super strength - it is affecting her like an addiction would....


If expecting good dialogue is silly then I guess I'm silly lol. But really, I know making a tv show is hard anda lot happens behind the scenes but I can only comment on the actual end result. Instead of having Lucifer do an exposition dump on Dan why not have Dan ask: why did you get me out of my hell loop if you were just going to leave me here? Then Lucifer could have told him how he's the only one who gets this limbo. The nurse scene was bad, I'm sorry. You have this random demon nurse tell our latest antagonist that Michael sucks and that Lucifer was almost killed by Dan out of nowhere. Why not have her stumble on a demon using this to annoy Michael? Telling him he failed and that a human did a better job at it. Then you can have her ask questions about it. They're still giving the information but it feels less random. I don't know if they were pressed for time and so they had to do it this way but it didn't work for me.