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1.15- BLUE CODE 


D Boss

The twists keep coming... the writers here are excellent! So ironic they call their criminal organization within the police force "HR" which normally means Human Resources.... "Behind enemy lines" in this context means operating on US soil, because the CIA by law cannot do their thing on US citizens within the US.... So do something stupid and the consequences are swift and severe such as a "terminate with extreme prejudice" order. You will be surprised when finally introduced to Amy Acker's character.


My favorite character in this show is Amy Acker.


I strangely enjoy all the HR cases, which is weird, bc I don't care for HR that much in general, in the grand scheme of things. But episodes like this, where we're thinking of the number one way and then it turns out to be sth completely different are always fun! Fun fact, I started the show because I saw Amy Acker in the poster! And I'm glad I watched it, bc it quickly became one of my all-time favorite shows, even independently of her. Since you're good with faces, I think you'll recognize a lot of actors in major roles over time, but also in smaller roles. I think one actor was also in Black Panther (I might be wrong though)... so yeah, the show isn't above getting some familiar faces in the roster! :) Just remember that this show went on 5 seasons and you are still at the beginning... so who knows what else will happen and if we have even glimpsed the bigger picture yet :P