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Eric Pfeiffer

Here's the release order for the Marvel Netflix shows- Daredevil season 1 (April 10, 2015) Jessica Jones season 1 (November 20, 2015) Daredevil season 2 (March 18, 2016) Luke Cage season 1 (September 30, 2016) Iron Fist season 1 (March 17, 2017) The Defenders (August 18, 2017) The Punisher season 1 (November 17, 2017) Jessica Jones season 2 (March 8, 2018) Luke Cage season 2 (June 22, 2018) Iron Fist season 2 (September 7, 2018) Daredevil season 3 (October 19, 2018) The Punisher season 2 (January 18, 2019) Jessica Jones season 3 (June 14, 2019)

Eric Pfeiffer

I would urge you to skip the Luke Cage and Iron Fist series, as they are sadly not up to snuff. Aside from some of the side characters, there isn't much worthwhile in those shows. The Defenders is kind of necessary because it sets up season 3 of Daredevil, but I think you can just watch it right after this season of Daredevil without too much trouble. Since you've seen Jessica Jones, you'll be familiar with 3/4 of the Defenders and most of the relevant side characters. You can pretty much watch The Punisher whenever you choose after this season of Daredevil, as that show pretty much stands on its own.

Eric Pfeiffer

The conversation between Matt and Frank was very well written and acted. Since I like both of them and I believe they both have good intentions, I can't choose a side. The main deciding factor for these 2 guys is guilt. Matt does not want the burden of guilt that he would feel if he killed someone. Frank, on the other hand, believes "guilt is a bag of bricks, all you have to do is set it down" (that's a movie quote). Of course, Frank's backstory has yet to be revealed, so I can't comment on his true motivations just yet except to say that his outlook makes sense in the context of his character.


The Luke Cage and Iron Fist statement is a matter of opinion...they are both worth watching.

Eric Pfeiffer

Foggy and Karen continue to be 2 of the best supporting characters ever. And yeah, this show has some of the most amazing fight scenes ever recorded. No 2 minute scenes with 75 cuts on this show.

Kelly Parks

"You know you're just one bad day away from being me." Love that line!

Kelly Parks

The character of The Punisher is awesomely well done here in Daredevil. The actual Punisher series was awful. Bad writing and worse fight choreography. Skip it. And Iron Fist which was just dumb. Luke Cage was cool.

Kelly Parks

Yep. She was talking about Luke Cage in the Jessica Jones series.

Kelly Parks

I agree. Some people are evil and the world is better off with them gone. Which reminds me, you need to react to Peacemaker.

Clara V.

I mostly agree, Luke Cage is at least better than Iron Fist, but still not great and definitely skippable. What really sucks is that Defenders is so aggressively terrible. It's so bad that part of me would still say skip it and just look up the few things you actually need to know for Daredevil season 3, but that's probably not realistic. I personally hate Defenders more than Iron Fist, not because it's worse, but because at least Iron Fist was just doing its own terrible thing, Defenders drags all the other characters down to that level, it's going to be torture to watch...