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Anna Torv is so good

3.17 - STOWAWAY 



Actually a sociopath feels a little empathy.....I had to look up the difference between the two Sociopath and psychopath, because I thought the same thing as you did.


They can be confusing. From my understanding is that they both fall under the same umbrella of aspd but unlike psychopathy which is something people are born with, sociopathy develops as a result of trauma. Which is why psychopaths can be sociopaths but not the other way around. Psychopaths are more dangerous because of their narcissism and complete disregard for others. Sociopaths have a limited amount of empathy and can be very selective but it also depends on the person. Most of the time they can only sympathize but not empathize. The reason I said the guy on the episode wasn't a sociopath is because he was feeling remorse for strangers. If sociopaths care is for themselves or for a selective few in their circle. At least from what I've read. I find it all very interesting.

Caradoc Elmet

Why is this stranger telling her his life story? Lol, you’ve never taken a train have you? Hehehe

Caradoc Elmet

My understanding is that there is no standard definition and experts still use the terms differently based on their own understanding. Most commonly it is said a psychopath has some determining factor at birth, though some say they are all born that way and some say they are born with a specific “leaning” in that direction and society or childhood factors will finally decide whether they become true psychopaths or not. Others decide to call those in that category “sociopaths” because they believe society is the determining factor and thus the most important aspect. Other experts say psychopaths are incapable of empathy but sociopaths are capable of any human emotion, they just have a different view of what’s right or wrong. I think psychopath vs sociopath is one of those few you could express almost any opinion on and find recognised experts to back you up. It must be a heck of a problem for the courts. I guess there must be an official usage for legal matters even if the psychologists can’t agree with one another. I don’t know what the legal definitions would be.