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Hayley isnt my fav character either but honestly i think her anger is justified. What Klaus did to her and the pack was pretty brutal and they had to spent months that way. And I feel like its good to mention that during that time Hayley was mostly a wolf. I feel like that aggresive side is more prominent at the moment cause she hasnt been human for a while. Idk i kinda like this darkness she has to her this season, it more in character for her imo. Both her and Klaus have issues that they just gotta work through 😅


Now I don’t think it matters if what Klaus did saved her or not. Saving her was just a nice by-product. His main intention wasn’t to save it, it was to punish and torture her. Otherwise he would’ve helped find a way to bring her back after Dahlia was defeated. Poor Hope n wolves. Like Elijah said I can’t imagine learning this is what my father did to my mother. And I’m not sure about Elijah. I mostly like him but I can see what you mean. He used to be a bit more subtle with the charisma. I kinda attributed this to the red door and him trying to be the person he was before realising it was all a mask and coping strategy. It’s like he’s relearning how to be the Elijah we used to know. I might be overthinking this though lmao