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After after thoughts:

I wonder if Ian's biphobia has to do with Mickey and everything he went through with him. Like the fact that Mickey used to sleep around with women when he's actually gay?  Also, I wonder if he would have reacted differently if Caleb had cheated with a man. Like he would have been angry but I think he would have been more forgiving. AAAAAAlsooooo, didn't like that he slept with a woman because of Caleb but .... 




Honestly, I think Ian would’ve reacted a whole lot differently if Caleb had been honest about being bi from the start and not lied about it and then used it as an excuse to cheat on him. But also, I do think his experiences with Mickey have a lot to do with it all too. Not even only Mickey though. I mean, his first real “relationship” was with Kash who was married to a woman and had kids. Then there was Ned who had also been married to a woman even though they got divorced. But he was okay with the fact that Ned said he liked anyone despite their gender. So I do think a lot of it had to do with the fact that Caleb was using it as an excuse to cheat... (still messed up, but it IS Shameless, so yeah... 🤣🤷‍♀️)


I really wish that shameless had delved a LITTLE deeper into Ian’s biphobia, because they really do make him look intolerant out of nowhere. With his history it DOES make sense, but I don’t think they do a very good job of explaining or even hinting that’s why. Like DazzleFae says, it is also his other experiences with Kash and Ned. The whole Ned situation is kind of murky, but I’m pretty sure Ned made it seem like his wife was more okay with him sleeping around on her than she was. He also does end up admitting to Jimmy that he likes men more than women (which Jimmy then runs with and goes down on a spiral about his dad being ‘gay’), so it’s possible that Ian didn’t actually believe or accept that Ned was pan or bi. Then the Mickey thing isn’t just about him sleeping with women. The whole Svetlana situation was incredibly traumatic, including Ian being forced to watch them. So it’s not really surprising that Ian would develop certain harmful and misguided attitudes like “no man is bi” and “dudes sleeping with a woman is a turn-off for me”, but it’s also been like 4 seasons since all that happened so it definitely should have been brought up. I really doubt any casual viewers made this connection at the time it aired, it was probably only the die-hard fans who actually cared and remembered the history.