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This was crazy



Kat Fleur (edited)

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2023-02-11 13:31:56 Love your reactions to this show. It’s crazy how you can predict the plot or who the UnSub is right off the bat. I agree with you regarding the romance angle between the teams. Let’s hope they don’t pursue anything between Morgan & Garcia. I love their friendship & playful banter.
2023-02-10 23:28:15 Love your reactions to this show. It’s crazy how you can predict the plot or who the UnSub is right off the bat. I agree with you regarding the romance angle between the teams. Let’s hope they don’t pursue anything between Morgan & Garcia. I love their friendship & playful banter.

Love your reactions to this show. It’s crazy how you can predict the plot or who the UnSub is right off the bat. I agree with you regarding the romance angle between the teams. Let’s hope they don’t pursue anything between Morgan & Garcia. I love their friendship & playful banter.


Poor Morgan was so confused this whole episode. 🤣 I feel like a big reason Hotch chose Morgan to take over for him was because he's not afraid to question his decisions. Like, I feel like in a way that'd make the transition a little easier. Because of the fact that Morgan has never been one to just go along with Hotch's decisions because he's his Boss. Also, something I noticed was the moment where they were discussing how to go into the house. Hotch made a suggestion after Morgan had made one, and Morgan was immediately on board. I feel like that was really important to show right now, because lately Morgan has been VERY against a lot of Hotch's decisions and so having him agree immediately was good. Plus, it's really interesting, and makes sense. Here, Hotch made the suggestion BEFORE the takedown happened. He didn't just go in and do it without discussing it with the Team, he didn't risk his life or anything. He just made the suggestion and they did it. And I feel like that's all Morgan really wanted with those other times. For him to properly talk about his decisions and show that he's thought it out and isn't making rash decisions. And I really like the scene between them at the end there. Where Morgan tells him how he respects him and would fight to keep him in charge of the Team. Like he said, he doesn't agree with all of Hotch's decisions, but he respects him a lot and cares a lot about him. He's just worried about him. Which he does. He always worries about his Teammates. Like I mentioned before, he was the same with Gideon at the start of the show. He's always the one to question his superiors and their mental health. (Which I really do think was a big thing for Hotch in deciding to have him replace him.) And I also like that they kinda joked around a little. Hotch joked that he hadn't been that hard on him, and he SMILED! HOTCH SMILED! And then poor Morgan seeing all that work he's now gotta do. He's just like "Wow. Thanks, Hotch. Really appreciate it..." Haha The Unsub is awful though! Kidnapping and killing women is one thing. Kidnapping, raping and killing women is also one thing. But adding in forcing them to have your babies?! And just sending the girls off to somewhere. Ugh, it's just horrible. The Parents/Grandparents were amazing. I love how understanding they were of the situation. Like, while the man was very against not getting their granddaughter at first, he'd come around to it by the end of the episode and understood that it wasn't that easy. And I'm so glad they're able to get to know her. And that they have a grandson too! That poor boy though... Also, I really hope that girl who had the baby didn't keep the name Michael... I mean, I very much doubt she did... But still... Haha

Øyvind Jenssen

The reason Hotch didn't tell Morgan about why he gave him extra assignments, is because he wanted to see how Morgan handled being under more pressure, without knowing why. This is how you measure leaders. If you suddenly give them a lot of extra responsibility and they are great at it. That is the mark of a real leader. Now Morgan complaining about it, and gossiping to JJ about those complaints wasn't Morgan's finest hour, and it showed that Morgan might not be ready to lead the team.