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This was amazing!


PS. If you haven't seen the Usual Suspects and don't want to get spoiled then skip to 52:49


AmyWonderland92 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 17:17:48 The fact you called everything?! Foyet being the reaper AND the escape plan?! You are really good! XD I agree about Garcia. She is human sunshine for the team and her wardrobe is a big part of that. She reminds me of Abby Scuito in NCIS (a goth, but the happiest goth!) :p
2022-01-16 22:53:37 The fact you called everything?! Foyet being the reaper AND the escape plan?! You are really good! XD I agree about Garcia. She is human sunshine for the team and her wardrobe is a big part of that. She reminds me of Abby Scuito in NCIS (a goth, but the happiest goth!) :p

The fact you called everything?! Foyet being the reaper AND the escape plan?! You are really good! XD I agree about Garcia. She is human sunshine for the team and her wardrobe is a big part of that. She reminds me of Abby Scuito in NCIS (a goth, but the happiest goth!) :p


This episode is so good! It's one of the few that I remember watching for the first time (which is kinda weird considering it wasn't that long ago I watched the whole show for the first time...) I just remember being suspicious of Foyet from the moment they mentioned a surviving victim, and then the second they went to talk to him I just knew it was him. For basically the same reasons you suspected him. There would be no reason to call the Police for just that one murder. I knew it couldn't be a coincidence that the one time he called it in, one of his "victims" survived because of that call. And the fact that he was living off the grid and all that, but stayed in touch with the Author of a book about the Reaper. I think that was one of the biggest things for me. Of all people, why would you keep in touch with the person who wrote a book about the man who killed your girlfriend and nearly killed you, when you've isolated yourself from everyone else who knows anything about it. I just remember it all feeling very suspicious. But not in a way that ruined the twist. Like, I know that sometimes when you already suspect the twist it kinda takes away from it, but it didn't this time because there was still that feeling of "Will they figure it out in time?" and also that "I was right! Holy shit that's fucked up!" It was just so good! I love that scene between Hotch and Rossi too. It was really good. Rossi was right though. Blaming yourself for someone else's actions isn't healthy. And I really like the mention of Gideon, no matter how small. (I really like that they never forgot about Gideon, even though he left ages ago...) Like, Rossi was right about that too, Gideon always got way too personally involved with the victims, he put it all on himself and it ended up breaking him in the end. I mean, something that's always stuck with me about Gideon is that scene in his Office where Garcia sees all the pictures on the cabinet and asks if they're his family and he says that they basically are, and it turns out they're pictures of those he's saved, and then he also had that book of those he hadn't been able to save. That's not healthy and so I'm glad Rossi was able to point that out to Hotch here and remind him that it's not his fault and not to end up completely haunted like that. And it was really well acted too. The way Hotch was literally crying! We basically NEVER see Hotch cry. But this was breaking him, he was blaming himself for like 6 people's deaths (with a VERY understandable reason to be doing so) and he couldn't keep it in. And I love that he felt able to let himself cry. I feel like had he been around any other member of the Team he would've tried to keep it in, because he's the Team Leader, he feels he has to be strong for them. But with Rossi, he's the senior Profiler, he kinda is to Hotch what Hotch is to the others in a way. I just really enjoy their friendship. I enjoy all the friendships on this show. They're all so well written and they all work so well together. The whole thing with Morgan was so messed up though. That would feel horrible. Knowing that you're only alive because you were unconscious and so this person couldn't torture you. Then to have them leave a bullet to remind you that your life was in his hands. And taking his credentials too! George Foyet is one of the best Unsubs of the show, if not THE best. He's just so good! I love him!