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So if you don't want to hear me complain about Hayley for 12 minutes, you can skip the intro ... oopsie.

Edit: Omg and I forgot to mention her fight scenes, lmao. Remember when she was like 9 months pregnant and she managed to beat Mikael on the other side? 




Hayley suffers from special snowflake syndrome


right? she's the mother of a special magical baby, she was a supernatural creature to begin with but they made her a hybrid ( are there just 2 of them now? ), not just that but klaus didn't make her so she never had to go through being sired to him. and if that weren't enough she's werewolf royalty and a mikaelson adjacent? shes more welcomed as a mikaelson than marcel is, who is klaus' adopted son, when all she did was get knocked up. and ... and ... she is courted by both a powerful vampire and the werewolf alpha. if it turns out that she is also part witch or some shit i'm going to lose it.


Actually Hayley is an orgy or both special snowflake and mary sue complex rolled into one


I can’t wait for you to finish TVD and TO and get your views on all the characters. That video will be incredible. I have my issues with Hayley. I range from really liking her to not being able to stand her. I feel like the writers don’t understand female characters can be empowered and in control of their own narrative with more than just aggressive scenes and comments about doing what they want. Where are the emotional scenes where we really get to understand and feel for the character? The male characters get way more intricate storylines about self-struggle and motivations and emotions. The female characters are mostly entered around romance. And Hayley’s romantic interests and the writers attempts to get me to see Hayley as this innocent virginal mother through Jackson and Elijahs hopeless and love-at-first-sight eyes irritates me more.

John Walker Is That Dude

We learned in the first season Cami is an O’Connell they have always been a check to the supernatural creatures. Her uncle gave her weapons and knowledge they keep the balance unlike in mystic falls the humans here don’t cower they know they are overmatched but they won’t let themselves fall prey to the supernatural beings in New Orleans

John Walker Is That Dude

Rebekah isn’t strong she’s gullible she does stuff on her own her plans never work asking for help isn’t weak it’s strength Rebekah thinks doing stuff by herself some how makes her strong I’m like “Rebekah where do they do that at. Kol is just like her to none of his plans work they aren’t strong they are headstrong and stubborn.

John Walker Is That Dude

Marcel pissed me off here what is he talking about in this world Klaus had the hardest human childhood over all the past, present and future human. Klaus survived getting butt beat and emotionally terrorize from the age of seven. Klaus almost died numerous times he survived to parents who didn’t love him Hayley never got to know her parents but her life was ten times better than his even though he grew up in a loveless family with people who didn’t stick up for him.