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Eric Pfeiffer

I believe that the news anchor that shows up in the MCU is an actual NYC news anchor.

Eric Pfeiffer

Fisk is definitely smart and Vincent D'Onofrio plays him to perfection. I certainly don't mean to diminish the character, but right now all we get is a kind of garden variety "I'm going to make this city better" without really knowing what he means by that and how exactly he plans to do it. I'm a bit distrustful of vague declarations of intent, I need details dammit. LOL However you feel about Thanos, he had a definitive end goal and a plan on how to achieve it. We haven't really gotten that from Fisk yet. However, I have a delicious recipe for preparing crow and will happily eat it if I'm proven wrong.

Eric Pfeiffer

This was a great episode. The setup of "the Man in the Mask" was executed pretty deftly, especially given that they had a very short time to put it all together and execute it. In a way, Fisk in this episode was basically J. Jonah Jameson, painting the local hero as a villain.

Kelly Parks

Fisk. From the villain's POV, he's the good guy.

Kelly Parks

This is why we need vigilantes like Daredevil -- when local government/police are thoroughly corrupt.

Kelly Parks

Hearing the screams would be hard, even if it was someone like Vladimir who was a human trafficker. You're too good for this world, Nostalgic Girl.

Clara V.

What guarantees that vigilantes wouldn't over time end up as equally corrupt though? The argument falls apart immediately unless you assume they would have moral integrity just by being vigilantes (or that only those with integrity would become vigilantes), but in reality there's no basis for that. In fact, we already have vigilantes, that is people who employ their own sense of right and wrong regardless of the law, violently if they deem it necessary. They're just called criminals.

Kelly Parks

What argument? I said nothing about their moral integrity in an unknowable future. All I said was when the people you would normally look to for help against criminals do nothing because they're owned by the criminals, what else can you do but resist?