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This one was so messed up




Thing is, I completely get where Rossi was coming from with everything. Was it right? Not really, he definitely hurt the Mother. But I can understand why he would do it. Hope IS a scary thing, you don't want someone to have all this hope and then have them get slapped in the face with the hard (possible) truth. Of course, this time the girl was alive and they did find her and so that hope didn't end up hurting her. But had she been dead, that hope could've destroyed her. I might just be a pessimist though... I guess the idea of having hope in these situations just freaks me out. But for some people that is all they have and so I do agree it wasn't fair of Rossi to take that from her. But also, finding out that the guy had been charged with fraud in the past, I feel like in some way he felt he was protecting her from someone trying to prey on her vulnerability. His heart was definitely in the right place, he just definitely went about things the wrong way. I feel like what he should've done is sat her down, let her know that while he hoped the Psychic guy was right and that her daughter was alive, there was a chance he was wrong. Let her have the hope, but try not to make it so that hope is what ends up destroying her. I feel like it was a complicated situation, and of course his own experiences pushed him to go in a different direction. Which is understandable, just not very professional. I definitely get why he'd piss you off this episode, and I think that was meant to be the case. Like you said, it's good when they do things that angers the audience, it makes them more real. Okay, so part of me wishes they didn't manage to save Brooke... I know, I know! It sounds horrible! But a lot of the time, when we get an episode like this where they get there just before the Unsub kills a victim, it just feels very weird to me. To me, it feels more real when they're unable to save the victim. In these situations where they save them at the last minute, though. Like, sometimes it works, and sometimes it feels right. And it's not always when they save them, ya know? Like, I have nothing against them saving people, I do enjoy it when we get a happy(ish) ending. I just sometimes wish they were unable to save them, and for some reason this episode is one of them. (This isn't me rooting for the Unsub or anything, just something I think might've been a good way to have the episode go. They get there too late and she's already dead or too far gone to save...) It sounds horrible, and I know that... Haha The Unsub really needed Therapy. That would've been so traumatic to go through at any age, but especially at such a young age. Especially when, like you said, you're at an age where you don't quite understand death.


If you're anything like me, you will never be able to hear the phrase "crack open a cold one" again without cringing.