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D Boss

Yes, even though it is the tired cliche of the "evil twin" like from a bad soap opera, it has a twist and is palatable regards Lucifer and Michael in this story line... Hmm, you didn't pick up on the fact Chloe was playing both Michael and Maze from the time she saw them kissing - I picked up on her overtly acting opposite to what they expected - they wanted Chloe to be devastated but she did the opposite and "appeared" so understanding - to both play them and coax out the truth - not unlike how she adeptly manipulates suspects into incriminating themselves in her job as detective. And the writing here all through the series is very adroit in so many ways. Like the many cases of irony - like how Lucifer, the Light Bringer - is cast by humans as embodiment of evil, but in fact several Angels we've met are far more capable of evil intent than Lucifer ever was or is! (Uriel wanted to destroy the Goddess and Chloe, and of course now Michael's evil plans, and even Amenadiel was tempted to act in a very evil way with bringing the damned soul back from hell to kill Lucifer and ended up being responsible for 3 innocent human deaths) And now with Michael telling Chloe about the "gift" - she was clearly devastated by that.... But fear not - you are only a few episodes away from a resolution to the whole "gift" question - and a mighty bonus that ensues from resolving what the gift really is... Stick with it, this season takes you on an emotional ride like nothing else - extreme highs and lows and no lack of excitement or wonder and surprises!


Yeah I didn't pick on that but maybe because I thought that Chloe being in the position she was in was trying to be more understanding since he kept telling her how hell changes a person and how it was a thousand years for him, etc. I'm not mad though cause I love being surprised! And even though the twin thing is a cliche I really like the twist here and how they are like opposite sides. It's very interesting. The fact that Lucifer chooses not to lie while Michael, an angel, lies so casually, lol. Funny how the devil is the one with more morals here.


The twin Michael is in the original comics so, yes partly, soap opera, but also working with the original material. And no, they never mentioned M. as twin. But in s4, when A and Linda were discussing baby names, A. was very opposed to the name Michael.