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Holy crap!



Eric Pfeiffer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:29:10 It seems like every season there's a "someone has a problem but tries to keep it a secret but it would all work out if they just came clean" storyline. It's especially glaring on this show because most times characters are pretty forthcoming. In this episode alone, Sean told Nick & Co. about Adalind and his brother, as well as Monroe and Rosalee told Nick about the Wesen Council shenanigans,. The show does have some 'splaining to do about Juliette's power level and why she can't have them taken away. But this show does occasionally break its own rules and do things "because reasons". It's really the only critique I have for the show. Otherwise, it's a fascinating world they've created with generally great characters.
2021-12-04 21:55:06 It seems like every season there's a "someone has a problem but tries to keep it a secret but it would all work out if they just came clean" storyline. It's especially glaring on this show because most times characters are pretty forthcoming. In this episode alone, Sean told Nick & Co. about Adalind and his brother, as well as Monroe and Rosalee told Nick about the Wesen Council shenanigans,. The show does have some 'splaining to do about Juliette's power level and why she can't have them taken away. But this show does occasionally break its own rules and do things "because reasons". It's really the only critique I have for the show. Otherwise, it's a fascinating world they've created with generally great characters.

It seems like every season there's a "someone has a problem but tries to keep it a secret but it would all work out if they just came clean" storyline. It's especially glaring on this show because most times characters are pretty forthcoming. In this episode alone, Sean told Nick & Co. about Adalind and his brother, as well as Monroe and Rosalee told Nick about the Wesen Council shenanigans,. The show does have some 'splaining to do about Juliette's power level and why she can't have them taken away. But this show does occasionally break its own rules and do things "because reasons". It's really the only critique I have for the show. Otherwise, it's a fascinating world they've created with generally great characters.