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They got her!




Omg you're right! That was so messed up


I know I'm like, really late to this video, but I had to say this. The scene where Esther is doing the spell in the Cemetery. I honestly love that scene so much. I mean, first we have Klaus immediately offer himself up instead of Rebekah once he realises the spell can't be stopped. Klaus, who has been completely against the idea of going along with it from the start, who we know doesn't wanna be human. And it was immediate, there was no thinking about it, he just saw that his sister might be in danger and he offered himself up instead. Then the moment Esther tells him that she made a deal with Mikael. The look on Klaus' face, he knew what that deal would be. He instantly knew that it couldn't be good for him. And Kol too, he looked rather upset by it as well. Then Esther full on stating that she gave him permission to kill Klaus. The fact that she was willing to sacrifice Klaus' life in order to get the rest of her children back is horrible and really heartbreaking. And yeah, can't really blame Kol for being pissed. He did get the short end of the stick when it came to his siblings...