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*In my Klaus voice* How Shakespearean




Something I love about this show (and it was only a small mention this episode, but it was enough for me) is that they don't forget that Klaus does love Marcel. I mean, when Ansel was listing happy moments in Klaus' life, he mentioned him teaching Marcel Shakespeare. I just love that even though they've had their differences, no one can deny that Klaus does love Marcel. (Their relationship is one of my favourites. It's just so interesting to me...) Klaus' scenes with Ansel break my heart every time! Part of him truly wanted to get to know him and have a relationship with him, but his paranoia and fear got the best of him and kept him from pursuing it. And I understand why he killed Ansel (though part of me wishes he'd stuck around for a few more episodes before he did that. Maybe have him not immediately mention knowing Hope's alive, so that he can have Klaus' trust first, but still have Klaus kill him out of fear of Esther using that love against him...) he had to protect Hope, and he cares way more about Hope than he does about Ansel or himself. But wow, you can see in Klaus' eyes when Ansel is talking about what it could be like for him to be just a werewolf, part of him WANTED that. Part of him wants to have that. But the bigger part of him hates Esther and doesn't want anything from her, and also needs to be strong enough to protect Hope. And the Klaus and Elijah scene too. When he tells him what happened. I love how Elijah just let him speak. He didn't interrupt, he just listened, and he reacted, and once he was finished telling him what happened, he assured him that him killing Ansel was for Hope and that he was doing what he had to do. I just love the bond between them, because they understand each other so well and love each other so much.


Also, I know what you mean about this Esther. It's not that she's a bad actress or anything, it's just that she doesn't fit the role properly. She hasn't got Esther's mannerisms or anything. She would've worked as a new character, like if we kept her as that Witch we first met her as when Elijah and Gia met her. She just doesn't work as Esther.