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Well, that was a mistake




I didn’t get the feeling that Camille was trying to tell Klaus not to kill Mikael either. Just that he should find reasons other than revenge or fighting against Mikael. To kill Mikael for something positive. But idk I guess it was what she meant🤷🏽‍♀️ It was so stupid for Klaus to actually think this would work because he knows Mikael and what he’s capable of. He literally came back from hell. But at the same time it shows a lot about Klaus’ character growth - he’s willing to search for meaning in life by letting go somewhat. It was simply the wrong way. There was so many romantic moments this episode too! Klaus and Cami’s dance which is one of my favourite scenes. Josh and Aidan- who yes is Danielle’s boyfriend. They weren’t dating at the time but it’s funny to watch now with her character being Josh’s best friend😂. And of course the weirdly sexual Gia and Elijah moment


I love that the full circle of the episode and the similarity of the characters being displayed, Mikael talking about the mastery of pain and then ripping out the blade from his chest. Also Mikael and Elijah saying always be on your guard was cool as well. Klaus and Cami scenes are always great! I can't wait for next episode and your take on it.