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this is sad



John Walker Is That Dude

Esther thinks she is doing right in order to rid the world of vampires she is going to put them in other bodies therefore erasing the host. When Klaus told Caroline we are the same cuz they hated being weak. To me it doesn’t make since cuz there is nothing in Caroline’s past for me to see that she was weak. Klaus’ past shows us how he was weak literally cuz Mikael beat him from the age 7 add the necklace that made him even more weak. I could be somewhat on Esthers side if she found a way strip the vampire gene from her kids therefore stripping it away from their sires. She’s is this all powerful witch she could do that cuz she’s is willing to kill vampires who chose to be that and those who were forced to be vampires.

John Walker Is That Dude

Ur going to see the parents in a new light it blew me away u might like them more or u might hate them even more than u already do.


I feel the most for Finn when it comes to being a victim to Klaus. Literally no one cares about him. And all because he was boring? Like let him leave and make his own life if it’s that big of a deal. 900 years in a box is insanity. Im not even a fan of Finn but man. I would kill them all if I were him😭😭


Its crazy because I completely understand why shes doing it but at the same time her way of doing it is so wrong. And ikr??? I never got that either. I guess because he thinks Caroline enjoys being a vampire more than being a human more, just like he does. That she likes to be fearless. But yeah Klaus was made to feel weak so I don't see him being ok with going back to being mortal.

John Walker Is That Dude

Another thing Klaus critics don’t get he did all of his ruthless stuff to get back what was stolen from him his wolf side. People think Klaus loves his vampire side but if u really think about it Klaus wanted to reclaim his werewolf side the moment his family stripped it from he vowed to do anything to get back his wolf side something he was born to be


It is possible they kept Finn daggered out of fear that his hatred for what they are would lead him to do something stupid, like draw Mikael to them in the hopes that he'd kill him... Doesn't excuse it, as they could've undaggered him and ya know, tried talking to him, but it is a possibility... He would've been a danger to them... Of course, the fact that Klaus found him boring was also a factor, but I do think it's likely it was also fear...

Jesus Alejo

The bigger problem is that even that reason about Finn 'being a danger' doesn't work, or it is very hypocritical of them, specially Klaus.. There are more details to come about their early life as vampires as we know so I'm not going to spoil anything of course; but even what we DO know so far: Klaus, Kol and even Rebekah were much more dangerous to the safety of their anonymity than Finn was or would ever be... We had several examples of Klaus and Kol killing so much and drawing so much attention with their savagery that Elijah had to intervene and remind them that they would call Mikael's attention and eventually it did anyways and they had to leave... For what we know of Finn and how he hated being a vampire and a predator, he would've never behaved that way and his body count would've been insignificant in comparison with Klaus'... This together with upcoming details about what Finn was like in those early years, what he said he wanted to do, what we learn about how he views Mikael, etc; The argument about him being a danger to the family back then doesn't really work... That might be a 'reason' the siblings would like to attach to what they did to him but it's no more than an excuse


Idk, it's possible they feared he'd go to a Witch and get them to bring Mikael to them, like what Rebekah and Marcel did that time. Again, it doesn't excuse it as it was cruel to keep him daggered all that time, but Finn could've found a Witch and brought Mikael to them. I just wouldn't put it past them to have that fear. But like I said, it doesn't make it right or fair, and it was also definitely because he bored them... Haha