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This episode is horrible. The Unsub is just AWFUL! Wil Wheaton did an amazing job though! I love that he got hit by a truck at the end. KARMA! It was just perfect. I do agree that Emily arresting him would've been great, but I definitely see why she was the one to stay with the couple as the only woman there, she probably had a safer presence to the woman than any of the men would've, even though we know they're all great and they'd never hurt her, it's just that whole thing where victims of sexual assault (or attempted, or even non sexual assault) where the perpetrator was male, you're gonna feel safer with a woman. That's something I really like about the show, they DO show that sorta thing, even subtly. They show their care for the victims and witnesses and the families and all that. Like you said, they take care with casting them and actually having them show just how much this sorta situation would effect them and it's really great! Watching the couple in the room was really hard though, because it really was so REAL! They were fighting, they were frustrated and scared because of their situation and it was bringing up all their frustrations with each other too and it caused them to fight, but at the end of the day they still loved each other and were protective of each other and they still clung to each other when scared. They went between arguing and accusing each other, to completely relying on each other and it just felt so real. And you can understand them when they're fighting because the situation is just awful, but you just want them to get along because you know there's a possibility these are the last moments they're gonna be spending together and you need to at least have that. The situation is awful, they're about to go through something AWFUL, you just want them to at least be getting along in these final moments of torture until they inevitably die (of course they were saved, but we don't know what happened with the other couples who didn't get saved, how they spent their last moments together...) It's all horrible... :( Yeah. Hotch shouldn't blame himself. Like you said, they're not psychics and they all have their bad days. But I get why he felt so horrible. Had he realised it when he first went there, they would've saved the couple long before the REALLY bad stuff happened to them, they'd have a lot less trauma, and had they been later they could've been too late and they could've already been dead. It is such a complicated situation because they can't afford to make these mistakes, but they ARE human and they DO make mistakes and we can't blame them for that. Plus, we know that had anyone else talked to him and not seen it, Hotch would be telling them not to blame themselves and that it wasn't their fault. They're all like that though, if they make a mistake they'll blame themselves to no end, but anyone else does and they'll be telling them it wasn't their fault and there was nothing they could do. (A lot of people are like that though, hyper aware of their own mistakes while forgiving of others...) I feel so bad for the truck driver from the start, and all the other people who were in those accidents that "killed" the other victims. I mean, it was even said that with the others they weren't aware they were dead beforehand and so these others probably got in trouble for their deaths, felt awful about it, lost friends and family and jobs. I really hope the people who were blamed for them got told the truth. They probably did, that must be such a relief, but also such a horrible feeling to know you were wrongly blamed for so long... :(

Chelsea I.

I know I am super late to comment. Robin Lively (Abby), IRL she is the older half sister to Blake Lively. Robin is a great actress and I love the movie Teen Witch that she is in. That movie came out in 1989. Idk if that is something you care about, but I just wanted to share.