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Jasmine Reigns

Was really hoping to get 21 & 22 🥺 but I’ll simmer on this cause I can’t wait for your reaction to 22


HUH I wanted the finale great reaction tho!


I did not know there were deleted scenes omg! How many years since I’ve watched the show ffs. I can’t believe that was cut, it was so important. It justified how I feel about Klaus-Marcel’s dynamic. Teaching him good things aswell as bad. Ughhhh what a loss. And yes I believe it is the rings that reduced the time and painfulness of the transition. What was weird to me is how they would stab someone and the person died instantly. Like surely it should take them a while to bleed out?


I'm glad you enjoyed the deleted scene. Funnily enough, it's one of my absolute favourite scenes from the show, and so many important parts of it were cut out. Like, not only does it show that Klaus did try to teach Marcel good things and that he truly wanted him to be a better man than him, but it also has him referring to them as Father and Son. Klaus refers to Marcel as his son multiple times through the show, a few other characters do too. But it always makes me smile when it happens. (Honestly, part of me always thinks about what the TVD characters' reactions to their relationship would be... They'd be so confused... It'd be amazing! Haha) But it really is so important! And the thing is, Klaus telling Marcel not to kill his Father happened long before Klaus killed Mikael, so it wasn't even because he knew it didn't bring you peace as he had no way of knowing that for sure yet. He told him not to because he wanted Marcel to be better. He knew that if he got the chance to kill Mikael, he'd do it without hesitation, but he didn't want that for his son. But the fact that he knew that Marcel hadn't listened to him because he was missing a heart, yet he never asked him about it by the sounds of it, he just let it go because he knew that if Marcel wanted to talk about it with him he would, that's also really important I think. Like, Marcel literally went against something Klaus specifically told him, and Klaus knew it and didn't make a big deal out of it. I think that really shows how much Marcel means to him. Marcel has done things that had it been anyone else, Klaus would've killed them on the spot without hesitation. Hell, he would've daggered his siblings for it. Yet Marcel is basically let off the hook, with some anger and threats sure, but still. I adore their dynamic... It's always so obvious to me that they love each other and don't truly wanna be fighting like this, but feel that they have to. It really annoys me that they cut those parts out of that scene though... It really was so important!


aww, sorry guys. I usually dont watch episodes back to back unless they are requested ): for tvd i had a few people ask me to watch them together. but i can make time this weekend to watch the finale cause i really want to see it.